A Message from TheHomeMag®

We are all affected by COVID-19 and we understand that your individual needs are unique. In our upcoming Issues, TheHomeMag will remain as flexible as possible with you to ensure that our home improvement clients not only survive, but thrive better than ever when this is all over. 

Please know that as long as our printers are printing and the wonderful mail carriers at USPS are delivering, our magazines will continue to go into the homes of ideal customers. While nothing is “business as usual” right now, our clients are still conducting business to the best of their abilities, and those that wish to stay relevant and rely on us to deliver can count on us to do so. 

We have new information daily, if not hourly, on how the COVID-19 pandemic is progressing. We will continue to make the best decisions possible with the information available and know that plans made today can change tomorrow – and if they do change, we will communicate extensively. For our clients that want to or must adjust their message or their marketing plans, we understand and are eager to make that happen. 

When we say “please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can be of any assistance” we genuinely mean it. We are here to help.

Please be safe and remain diligent about your health.